Women’s Reproductive Rights

HIPAA Privacy Rule and Disclosures of Information Relating to Reproductive Health Care

DHHS has issued an initial statement on privacy of reproductive health care disclosures. This may especially impact clients served by the community clinic and SHAC who are less well resourced. 

Click here to view the statement.  

The State of Reproductive Health: Mental Health, Inequity, and Access

From the desk of APA:

On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the APA Women’s Portfolio and APA Advocacy, in collaboration with the APA Committee on Women in Psychology, the APA Women’s Caucus of Council, and the Division 35, Society for the Psychology of Women, hosted a briefing featuring the Guttmacher Institute, a leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights...

Click here to real the full statement.

APA Resolution Affirming and Building on APA’s History of Support for Reproductive Rights

APA Resolution From 2022:

WHEREAS, in 1969 APA Council identified termination of pregnancy as a mental health and child welfare issue and a legitimate concern of APA, resolving that such termination should be considered a civil right of the pregnant woman, to be handled as other medical and surgical procedures in consultation with her physician, and in particular to be considered legal if performed by a licensed medical professional in a licensed medical facility. 

Click here to read the full resolution.