Continuing Education Policy Update
The NCPA Board of Directors has passed an updated Continuing Education Policy regarding attendance at Continuing Education (CE) Offerings.
Beginning at your next NCPA CE event, you will be asked to check a box stating that you have been presented with and have read the new CE policy.
To establish a policy regarding attendance at CE offerings to be eligible to receive CE credit.
To be eligible to receive a CE letter of attendance for credit, a participant must:
Attend the entire institute or workshop that is offered for credit. No credit will be given to attendees who sign in more than 15 minutes late at the beginning of any segment of a CE offering. No credit will be given to attendees who leave more than 15 minutes before the end of the presentation.
Sign in and sign out via the means indicated (e.g., a wet signature on a document for in-person events, typing one’s name in an online chat, etc.), in the instructions sent out prior to the event and announced by the event monitor at the beginning, during and at the end of the event.
For virtual events:
Attendees must attend and participate virtually as they would in-person.
This means that attendees must:
- When Zoom Meeting is the format, be visible on screen themselves, not just their
name and likeness, during the majority of the CE event. - Participate in group activities including and not limited to break-out groups, polls, etc.
- Failure to do so will result in not receiving a CE letter of attendance for credit.
- Attendees that are noticeably absent from the event for a 15-minute period of time will not
receive a CE letter of attendance for credit. The event monitor will document the
attendee’s absence.
Complete the electronic post-event evaluation within 96-hours or 4 days of the event. Attendees who fail to complete the evaluation within 96-hours of the event:
- Will not receive letters of attendance.
- May request, in writing, that their evaluation(s) be reopened and will be required to pay a $25 administration fee at the time the request is submitted. The $25 fee will apply to each survey that needs to be reopened. This option will only be available for 10 business days following the event.
NCPA Staff do not have the authority to waive this policy.