Message from the President

A Message from NCPA President, Dr. Dale Mann: 

Greetings from the North Carolina Psychological Association! 

It is my honor and privilege to serve as your President of NCPA.  NCPA has been the voice of Psychology and Mental Health in North Carolina for over 75 years.  This has occurred because of the legacy of many outstanding leaders and active members who represented the entire Psychology continuum (students, early career psychologists, established career psychologists, and retired psychologists).  This comprehensive and collective involvement of the variety of each member’s expertise and experience resulted in Psychologists being the most prominent supporters of optimum health and well being for all people.

There are many rewarding ways to become involved in NCPA which I hope you will consider.  Please explore the many opportunities which are extensively described on the NCPA website.  I encourage each member (whether you are a new member or a long term member) to become active in NCPA through professional events, social gatherings, advocacy activities, committees, time limited projects, and/or timely task forces that align with your interests, expertise, continuing education requirements, and work-life balance.  Your involvement will be meaningful and will continue to expand the benefits of Psychology to all populations.

The awareness and need for Psychological services has increased significantly.   I look forward to working together with all NCPA members in celebrating the professional and personal rewards of  being a Career Psychologist and in promoting the enormous benefits of Psychology. 

Dale Mann, PhD
