Committees are an integral part of the work of NCPA. Each committee is made up of volunteers who have an interest and passion to assist NCPA by enhancing and improving the field of psychology.
All of our committees typically meet virtually. Thus, no matter where you are located in NC, you can join and be a part.
Please contact us and let us know if you have an interest in any of the below committees. We will let you speak with the committee chair, staff, and even "visit" one of the meetings to see if it is a good fit for you.
Please click here to view the chairs of the committees.
ADVOCACY AND PRACTICE - The committee is a home for NCPA members interested in working on specific advocacy/practice projects and/or monitoring and reporting on specific practice areas. The APC welcomes both short-term and long-term members and meets every two months 9-11 AM on the third Friday of the month. Click here to see the goals of the APC and contact the co-chairs.
COLLEAGUE ASSISTANCE - The committee provides peer consultation and develops educational materials and resources to facilitate the optimal functioning of psychologists in NC. Projects include writing articles, making presentations on wellness issues, and providing consultation/support to psychologists through a telephone helpline. To contact the NCPA Colleague Assistance Committee for peer consultation: Leave a message on our Peer Consultation Line: (919) 785-3969; Send an email message to
CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE) – The Continuing Education (CE) Committee is charged with planning and developing CE programs consistent with the requirements of the North Carolina Psychology Practice Act that promotes the ongoing professional development of psychologists. This is a very active committee that meets several times a year and it is currently comprised of psychologists with different areas of skill, expertise, and areas of practice. This committee is also fortunate to have a mix of early, mid, and senior career psychologists, as well as a few out-of-state members.
As a result of the CE Committee's efforts, NCPA offers continuing education on a monthly basis through the Lunchtime Learning series, workshops on newer trends in areas of practice at our February Timely Topics Symposium, as well as Spring and Fall Conferences. Psychologists can also attend The APA Trust’s Risk Management workshop and Practice Check-ups.
EARLY CAREER PSYCHOLOGISTS (ECP) - Discuss issues of interest to ECPs and plan/recommend projects, activities, and networking opportunities for ECPs.
ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL AFFAIRS - Responds to inquiries relating to ethics and standards of practice.
FINANCE ─ Oversee the finances and financial policies for NCPA and NCPF.
JUSTICE, EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION – The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (JEDI) is charged with providing support and resources to assist colleagues in developing more fully the awareness and knowledge about the many issues of diversity that affect the practice of psychology, and that is required to ethically serve the public.
LAW AND PSYCHOLOGY - The goals of the law and psychology committee are to:
1. serve as a resource to the Association and its component committees concerning information on relevant aspects of forensic practice and clinical implications of mental health law;
2. facilitate communication among psychologists who provide services to the legal system and between those psychologists and members of the legal
3. increase awareness among persons in the legal system regarding the roles, practices, and responsibilities of psychologists who provide forensic services; and
4. encourage psychologists who provide forensic services to aspire to practice in a manner consistent with the highest standards of the profession.
LEGISLATIVE ─ The mission of the legislative committee is to identify and support State and Federal legislation that promotes and expands the benefits of Psychology in maintaining excellent mental health and wellness for all. The committee provides oversight through coordination and collaboration with our Executive Director, State lobbyist, and Federal Advocacy Officer. The committee meets monthly for legislative updates and any actions that need to occur. With each new annual North Carolina state legislative session, a different committee member serves one week reviewing Bills that will need to be monitored. The committee member’s findings are reported to the Executive Director at the end of their respective week.
MEMBER RELATIONS – Organize, implement, and plan member engagement and recruitment. Review new member applications.
PSYCHOLOGISTS IN PUBLIC SERVICE – Focus on issues related to services in the public sector – health and human services and corrections.