NC Disaster Behavioral Health Resources


Getting Ready to Provide Disaster Behavioral Health Services? 

Click here to stream a Just In Time training (JIT). The 55-minute video will prepare you to enter a shelter, or other disaster operation, and provide behavioral health services.

Resources for Children and Caregivers 
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) - Click here for the website.
Click here for the worksheet: How Children Heal.

Tips For Caregivers When Children Are Dealing With Traumatic Grief 
Click here for resources.
Click here to view the tip sheet.
Click here to view additional NCTSN Resources (also available in other languages).


American Red Cross Website and Resources (also available in other languages)
Click here for Recovering Emotionally After A Disaster.
Click here to learn more about volunteering for the American Red Cross.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Behavioral Health Resources 
Click here to find resources.

National Center for PTSD
Click here to find resources.

Psychological First Aid (PFA)
If you have not previously received formal training in Psychological First Aid (PFA), we encourage you to consider completing this training when you are able.

Free online training is sponsored by the NCTSN and the National Center for PTSD.

Consider volunteering for with the American Red Cross (ARC). The ARC offers free training in disaster mental health, including PFA, when you volunteer. Click here .


North Carolina Disaster Behavioral Health Committee (NCDBHC)
The mission of the NC Disaster Behavioral Health Committee is improving the quality of mental health services in disaster response in North Carolina. The committee promotes implementation of best practices in disaster behavioral health by professionals and organizations through training, education, coordination and advocacy. As needs arise, the committee will create and maintain networks of licensed behavioral health and substance abuse professionals who are trained and prepared to respond to mental health needs in disasters. The NCDBHC will also support and facilitate professionals volunteering to serve with disaster response organizations such as the American Red Cross.  The committee includes representatives of associations of licensed mental health and substance abuse professionals, as well as the American Red Cross, the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Use Services, NC Emergency Management and other stakeholders in disaster behavioral health services.  The NCDBHC is sponsored by the North Carolina Psychological Foundation. 

Mental Health Professions served by the NC Disaster Behavioral Health Committee: Licensed Psychologists, Licensed Psychological Associates, Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Psychiatrists, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Psychiatric-Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialists, & Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners.